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07-19 00:07:56| http://www.caiwu51.com |英文求职信范文|人气:213我要推荐此文给好友


Dear Sir or Madam:

Referring to you advertisment in K of K for K, I hope to offer myself for the position .

I am presently a colleage student and I shall obtain my B.S. in Life Science and Tachnologe from  Jinan University  in Guangzhou half a year later.

My major is Life Science and Tachnologe and I am confident that specially planned to prepare me for a career in K . I believe that my studies have given me the foundration of knowledage from which to learn the practical side of K . At collage , I passed both CET4 and CET6 . I am good at English and I love it . I took extract English Improving Course after class out of school and graduated with honors .

Along with my Biological education courses , I also selected some literary cuorses such as Art of Ancient China, Modent Novel Appreciation, Movies Appreciation and so on . In school life I get a close relationship with my classmates , enjogging working with people , tackling challenges and accepting responsibilities .

The salary I should require could be RMB 1,500 yuan per month with a dormitory as a start .If you feel that I am suited for the job , please inform me of the time converient for an interviwe . should you have any question or need to clarify anything in my resume , you can reach me at the address and telephone number written on my resume . Thank you for you kindness and attention .

                       I  am     
                        Faithfully yurs ,
                        Miss Chen


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