- 07-20掌握英语面试礼仪
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 最近忙着换工作,换工作之前也稍微有些准备,然后搜集了一些我觉得...礼仪英语
- 07-20成功商务英语之电话会议礼仪
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 随着企业国际化和国际分工的不断深入,电话会议已经成为跨国企业商...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务英语综合辅导:商务礼仪系列(餐桌礼仪)
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 Table Manners 1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin...礼仪英语
- 07-20餐桌礼仪-Dont Talk with Your Mouth Full
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语At the supermarketBilly:Hey, Mom, let's get this!Mom:1)Get ...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务英语:商务礼仪系列(餐桌礼仪)
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin, pick yours up an...礼仪英语
- 07-20职场礼仪:办公室基本礼仪
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 在公司内,职员应保持优雅的姿势和动作。公司职员在办公室里的基本...礼仪英语
- 07-20公关人员基本礼仪知识
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 在商务交往中,对公关人员的礼仪有很高的要求。公关人员必须在克己...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务礼仪:目光中大有学问
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语小礼仪:The usual response is to behave in a friendly and natu...礼仪英语
- 07-20行动起来,打开职业冒险的大门
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语5 Reasons Why the Best Time for Your New Career Is Now为什么现...礼仪英语
- 07-20轻松应对搬迁,全职也不怕
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语Juggle Your Move While Working Full-Time全职工作如何轻松应对搬...礼仪英语
- 07-20实用商务英语---礼仪之道
商务礼仪—— In the Home 1) The Right Time to Arrive When invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late, as it is usu...礼仪英语
- 07-20旅游英语常用单词
standard rate 标准价 en-suite 套房 family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房...礼仪英语
- 07-20如何用英语点菜?
点菜有两种方式,一是a la carte(随意点菜),一是tabled' hote或fixed price meal(份饭,套餐),后一种有几道固定的菜肴和饮料,价格也是固定的。它的优点就是方便快...礼仪英语
- 07-20商业午餐:Business Lunch
商业午餐(business lunch)就是一种流行的商谈与社交合一的一种交际应酬方式。 餐前,邀请人通常要向被邀请人讲清这次商业午餐的目的,比如: I'd like to introduce ...礼仪英语
- 07-20初次见面如何Say hello
第一天到公司上班,You must be nervous.你的心情一定挺紧张。怎么才能给上级和同事留下a favorable impression(良好印象)呢?西装革履的你看起来很cool,但你还是没有十...礼仪英语
- 07-20常见公共标志的英文表达
1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开(放) 9、O...礼仪英语
- 07-20英国酒吧的礼仪(中英对照)
Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no formal line-upthe bar staff are skilled at knowing whose turn it is. You are permitted to try to attract...礼仪英语
- 07-20英美重要节日
January1 New Year's Day(新年)15 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday19 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday ObservedFebruary 12 Lincoln's Birthday14 Valentine...礼仪英语
- 07-20赢取办公室人心之道
公司的制度不管有多完善,亦需要同事的配合。能否成功,关键亦在于能否跟同事打成一片,尽得人心。 合作和分享:多跟别人分享看法,多听取和接受别人意见,这样你才能获...礼仪英语
- 07-20教你快速打入办公室“小圈圈”
每个公司都会有小圈圈,新人刚到新环境,该如何融入其中? 情感小圈圈or合作小团队 小圈圈的形成可能是情感上气味相投,也可能是工作上互动合作。如果是情感型,就找机...礼仪英语
- 07-20办公室要避免说这种看不懂的英语句子
1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2. I think that th...礼仪英语
- 07-20庆功宴致辞 Banquet Speech
- 07-20职场批评 Tackle Criticism
How to Deal with CriticismNobody enjoys being blamed. If not appropriate, there may be some quarrel. Nonetheless, criticism is necessary where work is badly do...礼仪英语
- 07-20如何得体的催促别人
As a proverb goes, time is money. It is especially true in the modern society where effeiciency is critical. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to urg...礼仪英语
- 07-20中国习俗之宴客之道(双语)
Invitations in China 中国习俗You may wonder what foreigners think of our customs and traditions at parties and banquets. Find out what Chinese parties look lik...礼仪英语
- 07-20美国习俗之邀请和接受邀请(中英)
Invitations in the US 美国习俗A party invitation can turn into a nightmare if you don't know the customs and do not know how to act properly in a gathering. Do...礼仪英语
- 07-20礼仪文化:去美国人家作客的注意事项(双语)
An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, and you're not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? ...礼仪英语
- 07-20西方情人节的来历(双语)
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing ...礼仪英语
- 07-20情人节:英文情歌中的甜言蜜语
2月14日,一个传递情感的日子,一个温馨浪漫的日子!你将如何想你的爱人表白心意? 除了“我爱你”还能怎样表达自己的一腔似水柔情?“爱”都有什么表现方式?挑选了几首英...礼仪英语
- 07-20礼仪和风俗:各个国家的五项文化禁忌
Cultural practices, cultural differences, local manners, and mores: traveling the globe can be a behavioral minefield, even when you have the best intentions. E...礼仪英语
- 07-20双语:面对美国人不能说的“秘密”
Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans preferinformal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances。 ...礼仪英语
- 07-20礼仪文化关于目光中的学问
在中国,如果两个陌生人相遇,比如两个人同坐一张桌子吃饭,一般两个人都会相互看一眼,而后或进行简单交流,或各自埋头吃饭。The usual response is to behave in a frie...礼仪英语
- 07-2018条国际礼仪,大家都有必要知道
What's the “first custom” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么? “Lady first”.女士优先。 2.What is the “Three A” princip...礼仪英语
- 07-20名片的设计、礼仪,及写作规则
- 07-20商务宴会上该怎样点酒?
England is the least patriotic country in Europe, with just one in three British people aware of the date of St George's Day a survey has shown. 一项调查显示,...礼仪英语
- 07-20什么样的候选人被录用?Who Really Gets Hired
Who Really Gets Hired?It's an old observation, but it's well worth repeating as you go about job hunting: The person who gets the job is not necessarily the ...礼仪英语
- 07-20A Job Interview Is a Screen Test, an Act
A job interview is a screen test, an act. Getting hired depends almost completely on the actor factor. If you know your lines, perfect your delivery, and dress ...礼仪英语
- 07-20关于“何时可以上班”的基本词汇和句型
WORDS & EXPRESSIONS 基本词汇表达 quit 离开,辞职 make it 定时间,规定时间 hand over 移交 procedure 程序,手续BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达【面试方】: 1...礼仪英语
- 07-20关于“询问问题”的基本词汇和句型
WORDS & EXPRESSONS 基本词汇表达 programme 计划,项目 benefit 福利 abroad 在国外,在海外 bonus 奖金,红利 remuneration 酬劳,酬金 origin 血统,出身 schedu...礼仪英语
- 07-20关于“面试结束”的基本词汇和句型
面试结束时,应聘者应该礼貌告退。这时无论你心中有多么渴望这份工作,切记不要说“I really want this job. When can I contact you about your decision? Please conside...礼仪英语
- 07-20礼仪英语:怎样介绍客人相互认识
1.我们国家的习惯是介绍客人时常爱用官衔、职务或职业名称等冠于姓氏之前,但有些名称词在英语用法上却不用于姓氏前,如:secretary, director, engineer, manager, maste...礼仪英语
- 07-20常用礼仪英语大全
久仰! I've heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You've had a long day.You've had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguis...礼仪英语
- 07-20用简单英语谈生意
(1) A: I don’t believe we’ve met. B: No, I don’t think we have. A: My name is Chen Sung-lim. B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith. A: 我们以...礼仪英语
- 07-20实用商务口语:询盘(inquiry)
We’re willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我们...礼仪英语
- 07-20一个标准的外商联系函格式
如果你与某外商第一次联系,我这里有一个标准的联系函格式供大家参考: 邮件标题:客户求购的产品名称 邮件内文: To:客户公司名称 Attn:客户人名 Re:客户求购的产...礼仪英语
- 07-20和老外聊天发邮件常用英语缩写
前次和美国客户发邮件。有个LMK的缩写。想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。我没有想的那么正确。所以知道一些简单的缩写是很有必要的,我在网上查了一...礼仪英语
- 07-20英语“借”走的十大中国词
- 07-20一定要知道的商务礼仪
Business and social etiquette can be tricky, and making the right moves can make a big difference. Take this quick quiz and see how you fare in the following bu...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务英语电话接听注意事项
- 07-20电话英语礼仪:电话转接注意事项
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他在走廊里遇到了美国同事Amy。(Office ambience)C:碰到你可真是太好了,Amy。A:It's nice to see you, too, Chen Hao. What's going o...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务礼仪:搭电梯也有礼貌问题
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他走出电梯,刚好遇到美国同事Amy.(Office ambience)A:Hi Chen Hao, you look upset. What's wrong?C:电梯太挤了,我差点就没下来。A:...礼仪英语
- 07-20礼仪用语
■ 日常用语 1. How are you! 你好! --I am fine,thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢,你呢? 2. Good morning! 早上好! 3. Good evening! 晚上好...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务场合吃西餐的礼仪
- 07-20伊斯兰教的文化礼仪习俗
"伊赫桑"即善行,穆斯林应遵守伊斯兰教的道德规范,约束自己的言行。例如,伊斯兰教提介诚实和廉虚,认为诚实使人行善,善行引导人上天国,谎言使人行 恶,恶行使人人火狱。...礼仪英语
- 07-20职场感谢语大全
人在职场,要和同事处好关系,也要和客户打好交道。那么,就少不了对人家说几句感谢的英语。以下都是口语中常用的谢辞,来学学看吧! Thanks a million. I really appr...礼仪英语
- 07-20女性容貌决定职场成败?!
It’s all about image. Goodlooking bosses were found to be more competent, collaborative and better delegators than their less attractive counterparts, and most...礼仪英语
- 07-20国际职场礼仪大扫盲
1.What's the "first custom" in the international society? 被国际社会公认的"第一礼俗"是什么? "Lady first"。 女士优先。 2.What is the "Three A" principle...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务礼仪的重要性
商务礼仪的重要性 商务礼仪,顾名思义,指的是商务活动中的礼仪规则。我国是礼仪之邦,自古对礼仪的要求都很高。尤其到了当今,礼仪不仅仅是一个人个人素质的体现,也是一...礼仪英语
- 07-20国际交往中的商务礼仪要点
- 07-20商务着装礼仪--女士
一、 外表的塑造-商务着装礼仪 相信很多OL都收到过这样的请柬,上面要求“请着正装或请着晚礼服出席”。特别是进入社交季之后,那么怎么穿,你才不会成为派对上的另类或...礼仪英语
- 07-20商务礼仪中基本的英语词汇有哪些
商务交际礼仪英语词汇久仰!I've heard so much about you.好久不见了!Long time no see.辛苦了!You've had a long day.You've had a long flight.尊敬的朋友...礼仪英语
- 07-20如何巧妙“挂”客户电话(中英对照)
用电话同外商交谈时,由于只能听到对方的声音而看不到对方的表情或姿态。因此,要想结束同他们的电话交谈,事先记住一些惯用的表达辞句,就显得极为重要的。 大致分为以...礼仪英语
- 07-20在职场该如何穿着牛仔裤?
Power jeans are increasingly common in high-ranking business and political circles. Indeed, jeans are now a legitimate part of the global power-dress lexicon, w...礼仪英语
- 07-20接电话时如何让对方慢点儿说话
One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some practical tips to ...礼仪英语
- 07-20沟通秘籍,做个聆听者
Many people neglect this most important communication skill.许多人忽视了这一最为重要的沟通技巧。Do you know that we spend an average of our waking day communi...礼仪英语
- 07-20同事不喜欢自己该怎么办?
Q: I treat my co-workers politely and warmly at work. But many of them don’t like me. I don’t know why and feel distressed. 问:我在工作中对待同事既友好又...礼仪英语
- 07-20发人深省的十个职场警句
You never really hear the truth from your subordinates until after 10 in the evening。晚上十点以后你才能从下属那儿听到些真话。Success is not defined by obtain...礼仪英语
- 07-20双语职场:4步教你以辞职搏升职
Step 1 想清楚再递辞呈The moment you resign, your loyalty to the company is immediately questioned. Although your manager may say "We’ll give you anything you ...礼仪英语
- 07-20帮杜拉拉赢得老板青睐的英文法则
- 07-20如何用英语在展会上与老外商谈?
Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, the general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。 It’s an honor to meet you.很荣幸认识你。Nice ...礼仪英语